Dimanche 18h-20h & rediffusion lundi 10h-12h sur 48 fm (105.00 FM) ou 24h/24 via Mixcloud



Voir toutes les playlists.


21/01/2024 bloody head - neti neti - perpetual eden - Album de la semaine
bloody head - unfold your own myth - perpetual eden
bloody head - she comes in sevens - perpetual eden - Album de la semaine

14/01/2024 bloody head - and so it goes - perpetual eden


03/12/2023 bloody head - there is no authority but yourself… and everyone else - perpetual eden


02/01/2022 bloody head - your world is as old as you - the temple pillars dissolve into the clouds


13/06/2021 bloody head - glory holes - the temple pillars dissolve into the clouds - Album de la semaine
bloody head - this could be paradise - the temple pillars dissolve into the clouds - Album de la semaine
bloody head - the process of forever - the temple pillars dissolve into the clouds - Album de la semaine

16/05/2021 bloody head - your world is as old as you - the temple pillars dissolve into the clouds

28/03/2021 bloody head - homeopathic mountains - the temple pillars dissolve into the clouds


03/03/2019 bloody head - narco bulldozer - narco bulldozer
© Kool Strings 2004, 2013

Photos: S.Bailleux | Webmaster: G.Duby