Dimanche 18h-20h & rediffusion lundi 10h-12h sur 48 fm (105.00 FM) ou 24h/24 via Mixcloud

  EMISSION DU 22/03/2009

Artiste Track Album Label

1 kit night time broken voyage upset the rhythm

2 aqua nebula oscillator pox on you aqua nebula oscillator pan european

3 passe montagne jupiter oh my satan africantape

4 fordamage lackoffull fordamage kythibong

5 strawberry story summer scene summer scene anorak

5 th´faith healers reptile smile l' too pure

6 k-branding africanurse facial humpty dumpty

6 spacemen 3 these blues dj tones ep space age

6 spacemen 3 modulated tones dj tones ep space age

6 spacemen 3 ecstasy symphony (full lenght) dj tones ep space age

8 hitch old modena clair obscur vlas vegas

8 mokronog palindrome finnois fuck young girls young girls

8 agaskodo teliverek garbage pale crocodile psycho goulash midfinger

8 aucan iena aucan africantape

8 passe montagne lowcost deluxe oh my satan africantape

8 mono the battle to heaven hymn to the immortal wind conspiracy

8 pentark lowering sky ha ha ha! spank me more

8 keiki vital waltham holy cross (advanced) autoproduction

8 wild billy childish and the musicians of the british empire back amongst the medway losers thatcher's children damaged goods

8 the experimental tropic blues band cockadoodldo captain boogie jaune orange

9 avrocar dialogue against the dying of the light make nine music

9 ... and you will know us by the trail of dead isis unveiled the century of self richter scale

9 passe montagne vice is good oh my satan africantape

9 a place to bury strangers ocean a place to bury strangers killer pimp

Artiste: passe montagne
Album: oh my satan
Label: africantape


Artiste: spacemen 3
Album: dj tones ep
Label: space age
Track(s): these blues / modulated tones / ecstasy symphony (full lenght)

© Kool Strings 2004, 2013

Photos: S.Bailleux | Webmaster: G.Duby