Dimanche 18h-20h & rediffusion lundi 10h-12h sur 48 fm (105.00 FM) ou 24h/24 via Mixcloud



Voir toutes les playlists.


03/03/2013 graphic violence - graphic violence - graphic violence - Séquence: Rhâââ brocoli
ultraphallus - clever horse - the clever - Séquence: Rhâââ brocoli
kiss the anus of a black cat - miserere - the nebulas dreams - Séquence: Rhâââ brocoli
year of no light - persephone ii - ausserwelt - Séquence: Rhâââ brocoli
shora - siphrodias - malval - Séquence: Rhâââ brocoli
isis - stare to wake a serpent - wavering radiant - Séquence: Rhâââ brocoli
master musicians of bukkake - in the light of the sonoran - totem one - Séquence: Rhâââ brocoli


07/10/2012 mamiffer - iron water - mare decendrii - Séquence: Agenda Magasin 4


19/06/2011 knut - wonder/daily grind - wonder
monno - troye - ghosts

05/06/2011 circle - pisara - infektio

27/03/2011 year of no light - abbesse - ausserwelt


24/10/2010 year of no light - perséphone ii - ausserwelt

03/10/2010 red sparowes - a swarm - the fear is excruciating, but therein lies the answer - Séquence: Cinéma

20/06/2010 year of no light - perséphone i - ausserwelt - Album de la semaine
year of no light - perséphone ii - ausserwelt - Album de la semaine
year of no light - hierophante - ausserwelt - Album de la semaine


27/12/2009 mono - the battle to heaven - hymn to the immortal wind

05/04/2009 mono - the battle to heaven - hymn to the immortal wind

29/03/2009 mono - everlasting light - hymn to the immortal wind

22/03/2009 mono - the battle to heaven - hymn to the immortal wind

15/03/2009 mono - everlasting light - hymn to the immortal wind

08/03/2009 mono - the battle to heaven - hymn to the immortal wind


21/01/2007 white circle crime club - i'm going to expose you - written in black


30/07/2006 monno - pourri - error

23/07/2006 white circle crime club - s talking - written in black
monno - pourri - error

09/07/2006 white circle crime club - s talking - written in black

02/07/2006 monno - necronomik - error

18/06/2006 monno - blind - error

29/01/2006 knut - wyriwys - terraformer - Séquence: Polyphonic Strings
© Kool Strings 2004, 2013

Photos: S.Bailleux | Webmaster: G.Duby